Oils were such an empowering part of my birth experience as my 18 hours of labor and 6 hours of hard pushing almost kept me from having another.. I was so grateful for my oils to support my bathing process and to also support my recovery and m new baby. Here is what every mama needs in their birth bag. I got most of my research and information from The Essential Midwife, Stephanie Fritz, she wrote a solid book called, Pregnancy, Birth and Babies, that I highly recommend purchasing from amazon. + Balance was the blend I used to keep myself grounded and breathing through my contractions. This powerful blend is calming and grounding and my husband applied to the bottoms of my feet and along my spine, and down across my lower back it was HUGE. I also used this diluted along the new babies spine and bottoms of her feet and has been a staple at our house ever since. I also recommend having Lavender and Wild Orange on hand as they are great addition to balance. + Diffusing Wild Orange & Peppermint were going the whole time during both of my births. These combo was invigorating, fresh and really helped me to focus and stay positive... My first birth was no joke and having these little tools helped so much really supported my grit. :) + Back labor is seriously no joke and I labored hours on a boss ball in the shower. The hot water cut the pain down in a huge way. My husband layered Balance, Deep Blue, Peppermint, Marjoram and Frankincense on my lower back and hips. I know everyone is different but this seriously was a life savor... I would ask him to reapply about every hour and a half.. I had made a roller ball up of these 5 oils pre labor and did 15 drops of each and filled the rest with FCO. It was my pain reliever. + After baby is born, things are super tender and need a lot of healing in the peri area. I took a 10 ml bottle of Immortelle, which has the most healing oils, such as Frankincense, Hawaiian Sandalwood, Lavender, Myrrh, Helichrysum, and Rose. This blend supports tissue repair. I put 25 drops of Immortelle into a 2 oz spray bottle and then filled the rest with either Fractionated coconut oil or Water and a teaspoon of witch Hazel, your choice. After each bathroom use with a regular peri spray bottle. I would pat dry with a dry cloth and then I used this peri spray and I promise the healing time was so much faster then it would have been. + Roman Chamomile, Lavender, and Frankincense were the 3 oils I used the most topically on baby and appropriately diluted. They are so gentle, calming and I used them if there were tummy upsets, and after baths to support their skin, and cellular health. I would apply on Selah's bottom after each diaper change and then along spine or bottoms of feet to support their new systems, as well as on tummy if there was some discomfort. + Arborvitae is red cedar and has powerful purifying and cleansing properties, but is grounding and gentle. I diffused this often with Lemon, and frankincense in our home with new baby to support little lungs and purify the air. Simply add 2 drops of each to your petal or Lumo diffuser. I can't say enough good things about this oil and or the blend. + I also love to have Doterra's Peace blend in the 10 ml diluted touch roller. Its a blend of Vetiver, Lavender, Ylang Ylang, Frankincense, and Marjoram, and Spearmint. I found that its very supportive to a new mama's hormones and emotions and also for our newest little one. Its already diluted and I love to swipe once on the bottoms of their feet if they are just cranky and needing some extra support to stay calm. + Other Oils I would have on hand include: The Onguard Hand Sanitizer is great for keeping things clean without toxins, such as wiping the handles to your carseat, or your changing pad, or your own hands when on the go. The Aromatouch blend to soothe sore muscles in your neck and shoulders from breastfeeding and to support tension in your back and hips after birth. I also love Doterra's Stronger blend for kids. Its a blend of Cedarwood, Litsea, Rose and Frankincense. These oils are both powerful and gentle and perfectly diluted for an easy swipe down the spine or bottoms of the feet to keep your littlest one and yourself humming and protect agains environmental threats. If you are ready to get started with oils and have questions or want to jump in with your own wholesale account and get a FREE DEEP BLUE RUB and DEEP BLUE Oil this month I would love to help you get going and support you. Here is the link. Also I love to hear what others use in their birth bag, feel free to comment and share with me. Personal Development has been the thing that I have loved most and has grown my business more than anything. I had no idea how imperative Mindset is when you are growing your own business and wanting to create some big and beautiful.
It has felt vulnerable and scary at times.. The fear of what people thought of me and if they were going to judge me or support me was constantly in the back of my mind. As I began to nurture my mind and pay attention to my thoughts and where my energy was going and realizing how powerless I am over people, places and things... I began to focus on growing and nurturing a positive mindset of love and faith. Learning to be aware of my thoughts, and let go of what does not serve and then nourish my mind with life giving things has been transformational. I listen to Podcasts and Audible when I am driving, and when I am getting ready in the am, and when I am folding the loads of laundry in the evening after the kids go to bed. I squeeze it in wherever I can instead of watching amazon prime... Yes, I traded out my television shows for podcasts; and it has been so empowering and nurturing.. I didn't realize how much I would numb out to shows and now when I listen to podcasts I am more mindful of the energy I am showing up with and what I am expending energy on. I still love to have a book in my hand, but being a busy mama of two I find that Podcasts have been more conducive to my lifestyle so here are some of my favorites!!! Enjoy!!! Holly B. So you have your box of oils and you have it on the counter and now what do you do with them? Opening them up and starting to use them should feel effortless and fun and not stressful so let me help you. One of the biggest ways that you can create success and feel empowered from the get go, is to start creating habits with your oils and to put them in places where you will use them. This starts to create beautiful habits that will really empower you and you will have so much fun with it, as well as creating a way for you to create your own experiences hat will birth your own confidence. So lets chat about DAY 1 (of the REST Of YOUR LIFE). of getting those oils! + So open up your diffuser and add water to the line and then open up your Lavender and some Peppermint and add two drops each to your diffuser and enjoy that. + Then bust open that lemon oil. Pour just a drop on your palm, and rub your hands together hands together and inhale. Then pour yourself a tall glass of water and add just 2 drops to an 8 oz. glass, metal, or ceramic cup of water and enjoy the refreshing, cleansing benefits of pure Lemon oil. + As you get ready for bed, considering taking a detox bath or running one for your kids, or simply adding lavender and frankincense bath... super easy and therapeutic for sure. + If you would rather take a shower then add a couple drops of breathe to the shower and let it get steamy as you get in and its so invigorating. + Then bring your diffuser to your bedroom and program it to run either 5 or 10 hr. setting and change the water and oils and add 2 drops of Breathe and Lavender and Frankincense while you sleep. It will feel blissful. + Then apply some Lavender and Frankincense over your heart, the back of your neck and bottoms of your feet. If you have the Balance blend add that too, if you don't set that up on your LRP for your next order. Now Lets chat about your FIRST WEEK (of the REST of YOUR LIFE) using your beautiful Oils!!! I have created a great blog post that guides you through the top 10 oils and how to incorporate into your lifestyle as well as a 101 class that will be super helpful in getting to know these top 10. So your first week is a great time for you to get some DIY supplies so you can really utilize these oils in HUGE ways and feel empowered. OIL RESOURCES that I LOVE!!! The Essential LIFE BOOK and or app for your iPhone. + The Modern Essentials book. I have a shop with all of this organized for you on AMAZON. + The Essential Oil Hormone Solution by Dr. Mariza Snyder. is another must have book that I would add to your collection. + You can also purchase the oil accessories and books from Oil Life , Aromatools, and Share Oils. Glass SPRAY BOTTLES, CONTAINERS, & ROLLER BOTTLES, Veggie Caps, and Oil Bags. You can purchase your glass containers, rollers, and other fun accessories from a variety of places. + First you can get the best rollers from your back office of your account. Here is a video I created to go over your back office to help guide you in various oils and products and the huge amount of education at your fingertips!
Your DIY supplies and raw Ingredients. (Castile Soap, Organic Baking Soda, Shea Butter, and Coconut oil)... I get my fractionated coconut oil to create all my blend from my back office. I love how there is no scent and its amazing on your skin. you can also purchase on:
Here is a list of Ingredients I would start with as you begin to reduce toxins in your home and go green. These basic ingredients are clean, green and so inexpensive.
LETS TALK about your MONTH 1 with your OILS! This is a beautiful journey that you will grow and evolve with. Give yourself grace and look at it as an adventure and enjoy learning about the oils and how they work for you. This should be a fun and effortless. A simple Morning Routine: + Simply put your bottle of Peppermint & Wild Orange next to your bed and when you get up, add 1 drop of each in your palm and rub your palms together and INHALE!!! + Grab your tongue scraper and scrape. Then. brush your teeth with your Onguard Toothpaste and add 1 drop of Clove or Peppermint to support oral care. + Then when swishing, you can add 2 drops of Spearmint to a glass of distilled water and swish and spit. This is a great natural mouth wash. + If you Dry skin Brush then add a drop of Aromatouch or Grapefruit, or the Slim and Sassy Blend to your brush and treat your skin and support your lymphatic system by dry skin brushing. + Then add a drop of Frankincense and Lavender to your face serum or lotion to promote clear and flawless skin. + Pour a tall glass of water and add 2 drops of Lemon or Grapefruit to your water and drink several glasses in the am to cleanse your cells and then consider taking a food enzyme, such as Terrazyme to support any digestion that needs to happen from the previous day. + As you make your coffeee, consider bullet proof coffee and add 1 drop of Cardamom, or Cassia or even Peppermint to your coffee to support a delicious ritual. Here is my video on bullet proof coffee that I love. + Get your diffusers going and add 2 drops each of Peppermint and Wild Orange to support mood and purify the air. + I love to pull out the fruits and veggies that we are going to snack on for the day, so I take my produce and put it in the sink and add 5 drops of Lemon or Onguard and let it soak for 10 minutes. Then I rinse and the waxy junk will come out. + Then I get my kids fed and I will apply Balance to my pulse points with some Motivate to get focused and be present during the am with my kids. + I also apply Balance and the Stronger Blend for kids along my kids spine and bottoms of their feet so that they can be supported and grounded. I put oils all over my house where I will be reminded to use them. + As I enjoy my bullet proof coffee that has good fats to feed my brain, I take a Mito2Max that supplies ATP to the mitochondria of my cells. I LOVE this stuff, but my ADRENALS love it even more. Its not a stimulant or an upper. Its full of adaptogens, green tea, and Ashwaghanda root. + I love to get laundry going in the am and I add a couple drops of Lavender to 3-4 dryer balls and throw in the dryer when drying my laundry instead of using dryer sheets... (so so carcinogenic)..... + I practice intermittent fasting, and usually don't eat til about 11am. I will make a delicious shake and I add a little wild orange to my smoothie and then I take my supplements, probiotic, and I take extra vit. D and some liposomal Vitamin C. The Lifelong Vitality Pack is a phenomenal trio of whole food supplements that I recommend to anyone as a foundation for health and to fill nutritional gaps. It's all about supporting your gut, aka, "Your second Brain"... + The Last part of my routine that I like to bring up, is that I love to take my Cellular Health Bomb of oils!!!! I take a veggie cap of 2 drops of Lemon, Copaiba, Frankincense, Yarrow/Pom, Tumeric, Pink Pepper, and Black Pepper. This combo is powerful to support healthy cell proliferation and keep your body humming, its great for healthy cells, metabolism, and gently detoxing your body. Here is a great video on how I make my veggie caps. So I hope your first night, week and month is a beautiful experience, if you are apart of my tribe, reach out and check in and make sure you are added to our various Private fb groups to get the cream of the crop education and be apart of a beautiful community. If you are wanting to get started feel free to email me and or you can click here to purchase your first oil kit!!! Please email me @ [email protected] with any additional questions or needs you may have about joining our oily tribe.
Smiles, Holly B. |
about meMy name is Holly Boyer and I am a life long Alaskan, mama of two of the most precious babies, and wife to my soulmate. categories
March 2019